Easy to Understand Handwritten and Computerized Notes of Islamiat Lazmi for 9th class by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes on Chapter No.1: The Holy Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) for Islamiat Lazmi in Urdu Medium 9th class by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes on Chapter No. 2: Faith and worship for Islamiat Lazmi in Urdu Medium 9th class by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes on Chapter No. 3: The Life of the Last Prophet (P.B.U.H) for Islamiat Lazmi in Urdu Medium 9th class by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes on Chapter No. 4: Ethics and manners for Islamiat Lazmi in Urdu Medium 9th class by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes on Chapter No. 5: Good affairs and society for Islamiat Lazmi in Urdu Medium 9th class by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes on Chapter No. 6: Sources of guidance and famous Islam for Islamiat Lazmi in Urdu Medium 9th class by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes on Chapter No. 7: Islamic teachings and contemporary needs for Islamiat Lazmi in Urdu Medium 9th class by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Full Handwritten and Computerized Notes of Islamiat Lazmi in Urdu Medium for 9th class by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Very important Guess Papers of the Islamiat Lazmi in Urdu Medium for all boards of the Punjab Textbook Boards.
Handwritten and Computerized Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of 9th Islamiat Lazmi in Urdu Medium by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Important computerized and handwritten Chapter-Wise Test Series of 9th Class Islamiat Lazmi in Urdu Medium.
Important computerized and handwritten Half-Book Test Series of 9th Class Islamiat Lazmi in Urdu Medium.
Important computerized and handwritten Full-Book Test Series in Urdu Medium of 9th Class Islamiat Lazmi.