Handwritten and Computerized Notes of General Science 9th Class Urdu Medium of different experience Professors of Punjab Textbook Boards.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes of Chapter 1: Introduction and Role of Science by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes of Chapter 2: Our Life and Chemistry by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes of Chapter 3: Biochemistry and Biotechnology by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes of Chapter 4: Human Health by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes of Chapter 5: Diseases, Cause and Prevention by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes of Chapter 6: Environmental and Natural Resources by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes of Chapter 7: Energy by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes of Chapter 8: Current Electricity by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes of Chapter 9: Basic Electronics by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes of Chapter 10: Science and Technology by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes of Chapter 11: Space and Nuclear Programme of Pakistan by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and computerized Full Book MCQs of General Science for 9th class Urdu Medium by different experience Professors of the Punjab.