Important Handwritten and Computerized notes of 1st year Physics of the Punjab Textbook Boards.
Handwritten notes of the chapter no 1 measurements of first year Physics.
Handwritten notes of the chapter no 2 vectors and equilibrium of first year Physics.
Handwritten notes of the chapter no 3 motion and force of first year Physics.
Handwritten notes of the chapter no 4 work and energy of first year Physics.
Handwritten notes of the chapter no 5 circular motion of first year Physics.
Handwritten notes of the chapter no 6 fluid dynamics of first year Physics.
Handwritten notes of the chapter no 7 oscillations of first year Physics.
Handwritten notes of the chapter no 8 waves of first year Physics.
Handwritten notes of the chapter no 9 physical optics of first year Physics.
Handwritten notes of the chapter no 10 optical instruments of first year Physics.
Handwritten notes of the chapter no 11 heat and thermodynamics of first year Physics.
Handwritten and Computerized complete notes of 1st year Physics by different experience Professors.
Important handwritten and computerized Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs ) of 1st year Physics
Important handwritten and computerized Guess Papers of 1st year Physics by different Professors of the Punjab.
Past Papers of 1st year Physics for all Boards of the Punjab.
Important all computerized and handwritten Physics Practicals class 11th.
Important all computerized and handwritten FSc Part 1 and 2 Physics Practicals.