Important Handwritten and Computerized Notes of 1st year Islamiat Compulsory of the Punjab Textbook Boards.
Important handwritten and computerized notes on Chapter 1: Bunyadi Aqaid in First year Islamiat Lazmi.
Important handwritten and computerized notes on Chapter 2: Islami Tashakhus in First year Islamiat Lazmi.
Important handwritten and computerized notes on Chapter 3: Aswa Rasool-e-Akram in First year Islamiat Lazmi.
Important handwritten and computerized notes on Chapter 4: Taruf-e-Quran-o-Hadees in First year Islamiat Lazmi.
Important Computerized and handwritten Notes of Islamiat Lazmi 1st Year written by different experience Professors.
Important Computerized and handwritten Guess Papers of Islamiat Lazmi 1st Year written by different experience Professors.
All important Past Papers of Islamiat Lazmi 1st Year of All Boards of The Punjab.
Important Computerized and handwritten MCQs of Islamiat Lazmi 1st Year written by different experience Professors.