Handwritten and Computerized Notes of Biology for 10th class Urdu Medium by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes on Chapter No.10: Gaseous Exchange in Biology for 10th class Urdu Medium by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes on Chapter No.11: Homeostasis in Biology for 10th class Urdu Medium by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes on Chapter No.12: Coordination and Control in Biology for 10th class Urdu Medium by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes on Chapter No.13: Support and Movement in Biology for 10th class Urdu Medium by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes on Chapter No.14: Reproduction in Biology for 10th class Urdu Medium by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes on Chapter No.15: Inheritance in Biology for 10th class Urdu Medium by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes on Chapter No.16: Man and his Environment in Biology for 10th class Urdu Medium by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes on Chapter No.17: Biotechnology in Biology for 10th class Urdu Medium by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized Notes on Chapter No.18: Pharmacology in Biology for 10th class Urdu Medium by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized complete notes of 10th Biology Urdu Medium by different experience Professors.
Handwritten and Computerized Guess Papers of Biology for 10th class Urdu Medium by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Handwritten and Computerized MCQs of Biology for 10th class Urdu Medium by different experience Professors of the Punjab.
Important computerized and handwritten Chapter-wise Test Series of 10th Class Biology Urdu Medium by different experience Professors of the Punjab..
Important computerized and handwritten Half Book Test Series of 10th Class Biology Urdu Medium by different experience Professors of the Punjab..
Important computerized and handwritten Full Book Test Series of 10th Class Biology Urdu Medium by different experience Professors of the Punjab..